
  • A Good Business to Buy?

    March 2, 2011, by , Posted in Blog, 0 Comment

    What factors make an attractive business investment? There are many considerations when purchasing a business. Some buyers consider only the financial aspects of a business, albeit to the detriment of the buying decision. Buyers should ensure both financial and non-financial needs are satisfied. Typical strengths of a good business to buy might include: Return on investment in the range of 25%-50% (after ...

  • How does a Business Broker Qualify a Potential Buyer?

    March 2, 2011, by , Posted in Blog, 0 Comment

    Business brokers always talk about “qualifying potential purchases”. But what does this actually mean? When selling your business your business broker might interview up to 50 interested parties – it’s really no different to a real estate agent selling a house. One of the main jobs for a business broker is to separate potential buyers into qualified and non-qualified buyers.  Some ...

  • Buying a business Versus Start-up

    March 1, 2011, by , Posted in Blog, 0 Comment

    There is much discussion surrounding buying a business or starting a business from scratch.  We believe buying a business is a better option than starting a business. The advantages of buying a business include: Immediate access to cash flow - cashflow is available from day one. There is no delay Assets are already bought and working – there is no requirement to ...

  • How to Chose the Right Business Broker

    March 1, 2011, by , Posted in Blog, 0 Comment

    Choosing the right business broker when buying or selling a business is one of the hardest decisions a business owner will make. Most owners only sell a business once a lifetime so your business broker must be an expert in their field.  As a business owner you should ask your business broker some critical questions. Does your business broker have ...

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